Remember, remember, the Fifth of November. That is when my new book of poetry, What Comes from a Thing, will be published.
In May, I learned that a manuscript of my poetry won the Michael Rubin Book Award from Fourteen Hills Press. On Thursday, the book will be published, and it all kicks off with a reading at Green Apple Books on the Park in San Francisco. If you are in the Bay Area, come join us for some poetry, wine, and books. All the details of the book release party are here on the event’s Facebook page.

A few weeks ago, I saw the galleys. I think my heart skipped a little when I reached in and pulled them from the envelope. The striking artwork on the cover is “Continuity” by the painter Charles Sheeler (Tempera on Plexiglass, 1957). I am especially grateful to Sue Grinols at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco for her help securing permission to use Sheeler’s piece as the cover image. Its striking lines, deep shadows, and industrial setting complement the poems, many of which embody the sounds and rhythms of factories, industrial farmlands, and ports of late modernity.
Until Thursday, you can read what the contest judge, Laura Walker, and other reviewers, Andrew Joron and Rachel Blau DuPlessis, have said about the book over on the book’s page. That’s also where I will let you know how to purchase a copy, as soon as it is available through Small Press Distribution.
Book Release Party7-8pm, Thursday, November 5 Green Apple Books on the Park 1231 9th Avenue, SF CA 94122 (415) 742-5833
I feel like I should at least start the reading in a Guy Fawkes mask.